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Totally Rad Photoshop Actions Review

totally rad photoshop actionsTotally Rad Photoshop Actions will help you to streamline your photography workflow and save many hours of tedious manual work in Adobe Photoshop. If you routinely adjust contrast, color balance, sharpness or retouch subjects for many photos, these professional actions could be a lifesaver. The only Photoshop skills you need to get pro looking photos with Totally Rad Actions is basic knowledge of Layers and Layer masks. The actions are very easy to install; very detailed manuals and video tutorials will help you to get the most of Totally Rad Actions use. Totally Rad Photoshop Actions will help you to transform the mood of an image making it more dramatic or soft, make your photos shine and people on your photos look flawless.

The first thing every user notice about Totally Rad Photoshop Actions – their fun names which makes using them fun as well. For example, Cinnamon Toast is a rich brown B&W toning action and Pool Party will give your photo soft cross-processed feel. Totally Rad Photoshop Actions currently include two sets: TRA1 – The Original Totally Rad Action Mix with 50 actions for Adobe Photoshop and 57 actions in TRA2 – The Revenge.

Totally Rad Photoshop Actions before

totally rad photoshop actions before

Totally Rad Photoshop Actions after

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Totally Rad also offers Totally Rad Dirty Pictures which is 21 custom texture overlays, designed to blend seamlessly into your images to add character and depth and Totally Rad Lightroom Presets which provides 103 presets for greater flexibility and creativity with RAW images.

Totally Rad Lightroom Presets before

totally rad lightroom presets before

Totally Rad Lightroom Presets after

totally rad lightroom presets after

To try Totally Rad Actions, download sample action pack which includes 3 Photoshop actions from Original Totally Rad Action Mix, 5 from TRA2 – The Revenge and 8 Totaly Rad Lightroom presets.

Totally Rad Actions are designed to be flexible and easy to adjust i.e. they keep action steps in separate layers and use masks. You can then use layers or layer masks to control what parts of a photo the action effects, and how strong that effect is. To get the desired unique look and feel of your photo you can apply several actions in sequence and then use Masks and Opacity to finely tweak the results.

You can also turn off or on Layer visibility click the eyeball icon to the left of the layer icon and see what action is contributing to the overall look of the image. There’s also Recipes section on Totally Rad website with hundreds of different looks shared by users featuring before and after photos and recipes on how the look has been achieved with Totally Rad Actions.

Totally Rad Photoshop Actions before

totally rad photoshop actions before

Totally Rad Photoshop Actions after

totally rad photoshop actions after

Some technical specification of Totally Rad Action: These Photoshop actions are compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS2, CS3, CS4, and CS5. They work on Windows XP / Vista / 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), and Mac OS X.

Verdict: Totally Rad Photoshop Actions ($149) is a must have if you’re dealing with post processing of many photos on a permanent basis. If you’re shooting children, weddings, fashion events, portraits or any type of commercial photography, these actions will not only save you time but will help you to easily and quickly achieve professional and unique look of your photos.

Discount: use coupon code FANBOY to get 10% discount.

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