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Topaz Detail Photoshop Plugin Review

topaz detail photoshop pluginTopaz Detail is a new Photoshop plugin from Topaz Labs. As it name says Topaz Detail aims at increasing or decreasing level of details in the image. It also provides tone control based on color and crisp black and white conversions. It could be also described as Clarify slider in ACR/Lightroom on steroids but more controlled and not changing color/brightness.

The main advantage of this plugin over some similar tools is that Topaz Detail does not create visual artifacts like overshooting or halos. That means you can create more natural looking ultra sharp looking/ detailed images.

The algorithm behind Topaz Detail decomposes the luminance of the image into three layers of details: coarse, med, and fine. Then using Topaz Details sliders you can control the strength of these layers in the image.

Topaz Detail uses the normal Topaz Labs software interface the same as Topaz Adjust Photoshop plugin with presets down the left side with examples, a large window for the preview of your photograph and sliders at the bottom to make adjustments.I usually click on one of the presets and then make minor adjustments from there. Presets include: creative detail accent, mico-contract enhancement, edge softener, soft looking, deep-blue sky, black-and-white contrasted, bold detail, and interior strong detail.

Topaz Detail before
topaz detail before

Topaz Detail after
topaz detail after

Topaz Detail black and white conversion
topaz detail black and white

Using Tone tab you can change overall luminance tone by adding/subtracting color in luminance channel. So unlike more universal Topaz Adjust which can be used both creatively and correctively, Topaz Detail is not supposed to change look of you photos drastically but enhance micro-contrast and correct images to look as natural as possible.

Topaz Detail before
topaz detail before2

Topaz Detail after
topaz detail after2

Sometimes using Topaz Detail you can see increased noise after applying it. That’s because along the fine details in the image Topaz Detail also boosts noise. Using clean images to work with this plugin is a must.

Some technical specification of Topaz Detail: It supports smart filters and both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes, MAC and Windows versions are available. Topaz Detail also supports Windows 64 bit and is optimized for multiple CPUs.

Verdict: Topaz Detail is highly innovative product in the detail refinement and creative sharpen of photographs at very moderate price $39,99. In addition Topaz Detail has stunning black and white conversion. It shows great features right out of the box and has a lot of potential to play with.

Topaz Detail is also included in the Topaz Photoshop Bundle ($299), a complete solution for all of your post processing needs.

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