Web design questionnaire: Top 10 questions to ask
Web design client questionnaire: why do you need it? First of all, to understand what your clients need and provide them with most competitive proposal. Second, you need to filter out price shoppers who unlikely will out the complete form. You can use this web design client questionnaire via email, phone or even in the meeting. Why there are only 10 questions? Because believe me or not most clients don’t have time nor wish to fill out 20 or 30 fields, let’s be realistic. Which questions you usually ask your client? Which questions you would like to be asked if on the client side? Please speak out in the comments.
What kind of visitors are you expecting on your website (income, interests, gender, age)?
This question helps you to understand better the potential visitors and therefore plan the website design and development in the best way. Obviously site for teenagers will be different from the site for working moms or site for executives.
Please list the names of two or more of your competitors and describe how are you differ from them?
The competition in the internet is very high. That means that website you’re creating will be compared to a lot of other sites. So the point is to make the website memorable and stand up from the crowd.
What actions do you want visitors to take on the site?
Site can sell products, provide information, educate, make visitor to make a phone call or fill out the form. Depending on the client’s needs the website structure, functionality and design can vary substantially.
What is your deadline for completing the site and your budget?
There’re a lot of clients with unrealistic expectations. They want you to build a website compared to Monster with almost no budget and in a week. Your purpose is to make clear realistic time and budget. If your fee seems to be high for someone, then it’s not your problem.
What features should be used on your website (contact form, pictures, video, etc.)?
We need to know what the client would like to have on the website and manage expectations accordingly. Possibly small company website doesn’t need to have as many features as media portal. However some clients are very tough about features they’d like to have on their website.
Please list the names of three sites that you like and what do you like about them?
Very often potential client already knows what their website should look like or be similar to so there’s no need to invent a bicycle. On the contrary, not following client likes or dislikes you can get yourself into trouble.
Do you have any color preferences, look and feel for the website?
Believe me, if the client would like to have website in green color or with black background no matter how persuasive you can be in the end you have to follow the client preferences. So it’s better to get it right from the start.
Who will be the contact person for this project and what will be the turnaround time?
There’s nothing wrong if in the company you’re dealing with a number of people are responsible for the project. But to avoid multiple and often conflicting inputs you need to know just one name. You also need to specify time within you’ll be getting a reply from this person otherwise your project can last very very long.
What do you NOT want on your site in terms of text, content, color, graphic elements?
Well, some people can’t stand blue color and office people images why other will require just it. So you’d better know such things in advance.
Who will be responsible for maintaining the website and how much time he or she would have for it?
If you client asks for forum it will require some time to moderate so the right questions is does the company have this time? What is the skills level of the person who will update website? Can she does html or there’s need in a CMS?

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