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Tips To Protect A WordPress Website

WordPress is believed to be the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world. There are more than 60 million people using this system for creating their websites. This popular CMS is also used by some huge companies, such as CNN, NBC, TechCrunch, CBS, and some other big companies. These companies are interested to use this system because it can be used easily. It is not a difficult job to create a WordPress website. However, all website owners should be careful with some harmful attacks on the Internet. Therefore, they have to protect their websites from any online attacks.

1. Update the WordPress regularly

All website owners should update their WordPress website regularly. This platform usually updates its system at least once a month. Updating to the latest version of this platform is very important to get access to some new features. All developers always try their best to solve any security issues in the system regularly. Updating a WordPress website is not a difficult thing to do. Most updates usually take a few seconds to complete.

2. Change the admin password frequently

This CMS allows all users to get access to all important data via admin login page. Therefore, people have to protect their admin information very carefully. It is recommended for all website owners to change the admin password regularly. This is very useful to protect any intruders coming to a website without any permission. Make sure to create unique and unpredictable password for this admin login page.

3. Use some security plugins

There are some security plugins that are available for WordPress website. These plugins are very useful to give full protection for all website owners. Login Lockdown is one of the most important plugins for all users. This plugin has an ability to block other people when they enter wrong admin information, such as username and password. It can also block the IP addresses from some intruders who are trying to enter the admin page. WP Security Scan is another recommended security plugin for all website owners.

4. Backup the site regularly

Don’t forget to backup a WordPress website regularly. This step is very important to protect all essential data inside this website. It is recommended that all users backup their websites at least once a month. There are some applications that can be used to backup a website automatically. WP-DB Backup is a great plugin that is designed to create automatic update in all sites. Make sure to store the backup files in a secure place.

It is important to improve the protection for a WordPress website. This is a very popular Content Management System that can be threatened by all robots and hackers on the Internet. People need to follow all of those tips above, so they can reduce the possibility of getting hacked by other people. Protecting a WordPress website is not a difficult task to do. There are some great tools and plugins that are available on the Internet. These tools are very useful to give full protection to all sites with WordPress as their platform.

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