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Tag Archives: Photography

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How to build strong portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of projects and achievements that are supposed to be the clear reflection of your skills, activities and interests. Portfolios are used for securing jobs in many areas nowadays. Regardless the field of specialization, the main purpose of the portfolio is

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5 rule of thirds photography tips

Rule of thirds when used properly can help you greatly improve your photography. The first thing you learn when doing any visual art is the rule of thirds. It is the first thing to master when thinking of composition. It is a mathematical formula that

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How to choose lenses for your camera

My love for photography and my need to find the best possible deal led me to Tokyo’s Shinjuku district. One morning I wondered around, looking up all the time, stumbling through the signs in Kanji and Katakana. I finally made out the second hand camera

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5 must have lenses for photographers

If you stand in a field, focus on a tree half an acre away, and slowly walk forward, thinking of your focal point, adjusting your settings, stopping at intervals to take a series of photographs, effectively covering your depth of field, you’ll only need one

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50 brilliant macro photography shots

Macro – also known as Photomacrography – is a brilliant way to discover the world of the very small through close-up photography, using a photographic lens at reproduction rations of one times or greater. This ratio denotes that the object will appear on the photo

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60 beautiful examples of architectural photography

Architecture is everywhere around us, on a daily basis, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that architecture is such a popular subject in photography nowadays. Architectural photographers experiment with different angles, settings, effects or timing in order to achieve the most spectacular photographs of architectural

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Duotone and tritone effect Photoshop tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to make duotone and tritone images in Photoshop. As you can guess two colors are used to create duotone photos and three to create tritones. From the artistic perspective, duotone helps to focus attention on shape, form and texture of

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Abstract photography showcase

Abstract photography is the use of forms, shapes, colors and lines or similar themes to create visually appealing compositions, which may at times be perceived in more ways than one. However, as in any other form of photography, there is no single criteria which defines

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How to Take Your Own Photo

With social media sites like Facebook being the most visited sites, a lot of people have been focusing on taking pictures of themselves. We’ve all seen it, the cliché photos in the bathroom, or the classic mirror picture where you are see the person’s cell