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Tag Archives: designer

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6 tips to improve yourself as a designer

As a designer, your learning process should never truly stop. In order to keep up with constant changes in this domain of graphic design, you should always be open to new things and have the desire to grow, to develop your skills. The biggest mistake

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5 efficient ways to fight inspiration blocks

Inspiration blocks also known as creative blocks are every designer’s nightmare. One of the worst parts about them is that they come with no warnings. The feeling is familiar for most people: blankness takes over, your mind just isn’t in the right place and you

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7 tips to improve your designer’s workspace

As a designer, you naturally spend a lot of time in front of your desk. The first time you see your workspace each day you should have a good emotional response, because it represents you as a person .Not feeling that excited about your workspace?

No Thumbnail review is a freelance site where designers, programmers can earn money and business owners to develop their projects. What are benefits and drawbacks of this freelance service? How it could compare to Elance or Guru? I wrote some paragraphs based on my own experience as

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8 killer tips to better deal with graphic designer

Some people who are far from graphic design really think that graphic designers are very complicated people to deal with. Sometimes I even being asked such odd questions as “Don’t you come to prostration sometimes?’ or ”Do you able to vanish suddenly?” I‘d like to