Speed in graphic design
What is the best way to illustrate speed effect in graphic design? Man knows visual effects of speed in real world perfectly. For example blowing wind incline the trees side to side, falling comet leaves trace in human imagination and speeding up animal is getting another shape to be fast. Anyhow all known way to illustrate speed in graphic design are relevant to physic of nature with some variation added for visual appeal.
Italic or inclined text, inclined object, inclined background objects
Most designers use italic or inclined font to stress speed effect on text. Partly because it’s steady stereotype that is well known already from childish cartoons and used by graphic designers broadly in all kind of advertisements for a long time. Partly because any tracing that is not strait shows dynamic and it is obligatory element of movement in a real world.
Trace for the object Like in real world when an object comet for example is moving really fast it leaves trace that is visible to human because of human perception features. And it’s again all about stereotypes. Even if traces are very stylish and almost not recognizable human imagination easy finish the whole picture.
Blurred object or blurred background This technique comes definitely from photography where depending on the task either object or background of fast moving object becomes blurred. Blurred background is widely used by graphic designers if they can’t transform main object (for example, it’s car ad) and should not attract attention to the background.

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