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How to design custom T-shirt

What to have in mind if you want design a custom printed T-shirt? How to express yourself creatively and create T-shirt design by yourself using predefined T-shirt templates? An awesome T-shirt could bring you some benefits and even income if your design will be well

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Good web design rules

Good web design demands first of all technical skills such as knowing required software and technologies. But if you don’t know anything about good web design rules, theory, approaches and principles you can’t make popular and attractive web design. Web design can be tricky. Since

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What is photo histogram?

Histogram is a useful tool for helping you analyze, at a glance, how the information and exposure data in a photograph is distributed. It shows the luminosity range of the image along with how it is distributed. The horizontal scale of the histogram measures exposure

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How to take screenshot from any video

Taking screenshot from any video or capturing movie frame is uncomplicated if you use right software. Instead of black hollows after using Print screen key in combination with Windows Media player you can have good quality screenshots with Media Player Classic, a Swiss knife for

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Blog clients review

Blog client lets you post to your blog via XML-RPC running on your local machine. Often, blog client can manage blog entries. Blog client allows you to write a post even if you are off-line. The next time you connect to the Internet, you can

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Top 10 inspiration tips for graphic designer

Are you looking for inspiration and have no idea? Do you can’t get in a creative flow and can’t think of alternative to routine solutions? Try these advices. I picked out 10 most interesting and useful inspiration tips from 60 sources of inspiration for Photography