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Convert photo into 3D model with Make3D

Make3D is a simple online tool from Stanford University that automatically converts your single photo into a 3D model with very impressive results. Unlike Microsoft Photosynth which meshes many images together to create 3D models, Make3D use its algorithm to convert one photo into a

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How to make HDR photo from 1 jpg

You can make HDR photo from one single jpg shot made with your cheap compact camera! The better way to make HDR photo with a compact camera is to take at least 3 photos with different exposure: one underexposed using manual exposure correction (-2), one

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Top 10 visual inspiration sites

Find thousands of inspirational, cool and beautiful images and design-oriented material on these great visual resources. If you feel lost and needs some visual creativity, bizarre and humor things, best image sharing sites provides you with tons of amazing design stuff: photos, crazy visualizations, posters,

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Photoshop, Illustratorand Flash best tutorials

Best tutorials on Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash I gathered in this post. Every graphic designer should have enough technical skills to implement own ideas and concepts. While some people still believe that to become a graphic designer you should start with deep knowledge of Adobe

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How to design logo

Logo design is probably most simple and at the same times most difficult area of design. While a quality logo design combining with a good brand strategy could boost companies’ business the bad one could ruin it. A logo does not sell, it identifies. Many

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Get design review with ReviewBasics

ReviewBasics is a nice online service from SharpStyle Labs, that provides free and amazingly easy way to have your design work reviewed. It could be a website, a photo, flash video or a document. Built-in conersion utilities allows to import a bunch of file formats

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Make magazine cover with your photo

If you were always dreaming of being on a cover of the Time magazine, now after many years of trying to hit the stars you can fulfill your dream. is a fun application that let you create your own custom magazine covers featuring your

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Why CorelDraw X4 sucks

Corel Corporation recently released a new version of its flagship product CorelDraw X4 (frankly speaking, other parts of Corel Graphics Suite have almost no value) which still have thousands of users around the world. Most Corel admirers like it partly because of mythic easier learning

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Adjust monitor settings with Screen Check

Adjust your monitor for right brightness, contrast and saturation with web site Screen Check. This site displays two bars, one grey for adjusting brightness and contrast and the other for adjusting color. Though it isn’t professional calibration which is required to have image look the