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4 Online favicon tools

Bradicon is a simple web tool to quickly convert images in popular graphics formats – JPG, PNG, BMP, or GIF- into an ICO (icon) file online. You can download the results afterwards. Bradicon has a wider file range than similar tool ConvertIcon and more user-friendly two-step

No Thumbnail review is a freelance site where designers, programmers can earn money and business owners to develop their projects. What are benefits and drawbacks of this freelance service? How it could compare to Elance or Guru? I wrote some paragraphs based on my own experience as

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Self motivation cheatsheet

While you are sleeping, Steve Jobs is thinking of the next cute gadget. While you are smoking, Matt is running another WordPress conference. While you are watching the movie with your girlfriend, the next startup is selling out itself to Google. While you are drinking

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TinEye: identify image usage on the web

Now you don’t need to use watermarks to protect your photo on the web. TinEye is the image search engine which use image identification technology to tell you where and how image appears all over the web – even if it has been cropped or

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Get Your Free Website Contest

Design live and its owner Michael Garmahis is announcing Get Your Free Website Contest aimed at spreading socially important ideas and helping non-commercial organization and individuals (environmental, health, education, etc.) find their online community. The premise of the contest is easy: show your idea, your

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Saddington & Baynes: cutting edge design

Saddington & Baynes is one of the world’s top print post-production studios. They lead the way in digital retouching in the 90’s when computer graphics was not so widespread as today. Currently London based Saddington & Baynes keep on setting the industry standards and extending

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ABC for geeks children

Amazing ABC for geeks children. Popular technology brands and logos are used to illustrate new age ABC. Probably not bad idea if we would think about Internet as future main educational facility? This work took the fist place in the Russian student contest among 60

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Online PDF tools

Online PDF tools will help you view, edit and convert PDF documents, get text and other content out of your PDF documents, fill out forms, add links, watermark and password protect PDF files anytime and on any platform. With all these tools, you’ll never need

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Google will use Image PageRank to improve image search

Vision of Google image search future were uncovered recently by two Google scientists Yushi Jing  and Shumeet Baluja. Google previous technology improving image search and using human efforts Google’s Image Labeler though innovative to some point is no real solution to the task of image