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Dynamic logo – new trend in logo design

Branding agency Interbrand claims to create the world’s first dynamic logo. Using new, modern approach to visual brand identification they developed new logo for Russian Investment Company Troika dialog. Graphic part of the logo contains lines and triangles and exists only as dynamic logo. Everywhere

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10 icon search engines for designer

If you don’t have time to browse through collection of more than 1000 stylish and awesome icon sets and need to find quickly a couple of folder or letters icons, for example, you can use icon search engines. The databases and quality of icon search

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1000+ free icon sets

Free icon sets for different projects in Windows, Macintosh and Linux you will find in this list as well as references to further free icon libraries. More than 1000 free icon sets of high quality for Web Designers, Developers and Bloggers. Icons can be used

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Speed in graphic design

What is the best way to illustrate speed effect in graphic design? Man knows visual effects of speed in real world perfectly. For example blowing wind incline the trees side to side, falling comet leaves trace in human imagination and speeding up animal is getting

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Most popular design apps Top 20

What are the most popular design apps? It’s rather hard to estimate most popular design software relying on vendor selling information and there are no general stat as well. But there are some new online services which tracks apps usage by installing special software and

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HD photo vs. JPEG 2000

Will be JPEG 2000 vs. HD photo the next format war like it was with HD DVD and Blu-ray? It’s rather hard to answer this question right now. While currently most of digital images in the world are stored in JPEG format, rapid development of

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Get Your Free Website Contest winners announced

I am glad to announce the winners of the Get Your Free Website Contest that started over 1 month ago. The contest aimed to help non-commercial organization and individuals find online community for their socially important projects and to popularize open source web solutions. The

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Learn Photoshop on commercials mistakes

Though looking at Photoshop masterpieces could be more inspiring, looking at bad Photoshop works could be funny. Especially if this mistakes are in famous brands ads. You can learn how to easily tell one from the other and not make similar mistakes yourself. PhotoshopDisasters provides

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Webdesign amazing videos on Youtube

To watch a video about webdesign and website building is sometimes a better idea than to read a lot blog posts on the topic. Here are links to number of awesome Youtube videos about creating and designing your site which are worth many words. You

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Top 10 free stock textures resources

Do you need free stock textures for webdesign, graphic design or 3D? Are you tired of searching textures across thousands of websites? Then take a look at this top 10 free stock textures sites. All of them have large number of free high-resolution nice textures,