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Imagenomic Portraiture review

imagenomic portraiturePortraiture is a Photoshop plugin which helps you to retouch portraits quickly and efficiently. Imagenomic Portraiture saves you a lot of time because you no longer need to spend hours on selective masking and tedious use of multiple Photoshop tools. Portraiture smoothens the skin and removes imperfections such as wrinkles, dark circles and freckles at the same time preserving skin pore texture and avoiding plastic look. Portraiture also preserves portrait details such as hairs, eyebrows, lashes. Besides natural looking portrait retouching, Portraiture can be used to create high-contrast and glamour effects for professional advertising and fashion photography.

Portraiture algorithms work by automatically generating a mask for your image, based on skin tone and preserving other portrait details. Then you can smoothen the skin only in the selected by tone areas of the image. Portraiture allows you to use it in a batch so you can put it on complete autopilot and get great results. It also supports bracketing so you can compare how different settings apply to your image at the same time.

Imagenomic Portraiture Before and After

imagenomic portraiture before after

Portraiture’s intuitive interface is easy to use and provides a before and after preview. It includes a number of presets ranging from minimal retouching to a high-end fashion look (Smoothing: Normal, Medium, High; Enhance: Glamour, Tones, High Key, Low Key). You can fine tune the result by changing the smoothening degree for different detail sizes (Fine, Medium, Large) and across skin tones using a powerful masking tool as well as adjust the sharpness, warmth, brightness and contrast.

imagenomic portraiture ui

Portraiture workflow

Download 15 days free trial of Imagenomic Portraiture 2 to follow these steps.

1. Open your portrait image in Photoshop and go Filter->Imagenomic->Portraiture.
2. Choose any preset in the left panel
3. Fine tune your result by adjusting Detail smoothing parameters or by using Color picker tool from Skin Tones Mask section. You can also save your custom settings as a new preset.
4. In the right panel, you can choose the output to New Layer or New document. When you’re done, click OK.

Imagenomic Portraiture Before and After

imagenomic portraiture before after2

Some Portraiture tips
If you’d like to get better results with Portraiture, handle the larger defects with clone/heal/patch etc. prior to use, so that any texture destruction will be minimized. Use clone/heal tools to to remove pimples, neck creases, stray hairs and then use Portraiture to smooth tonal and color gradations.

Imagenomic Portraiture 2 supports batch processing and multicore processors. It’s available for both Mac OSX and Windows XP/Vista operating systems, and is fully compatible with Photoshop Elements 4/5/6/7, and Photoshop CS2/CS3/CS4 (32 and 64-bit versions), as well as Creative Suite Extended.

Portraiture will save you thousands hours of work and will make your clients happy. It is a must have Photoshop plugin if you shoot portraits commercially for creative design, fashion and advertising or if you’re in wedding photography business.

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