Top 40 Illustrator text effect tutorials
Illustrator text effect tutorials in this post include creative, stylish and modern text effects which can be applied to your next vector artwork. Adobe Illustrator is a great tool for working with text and making creative text effects. Unlike Photoshop text effects, vector art produced by Illustrator is scalable without loss of quality: downsize or upsize. This post with Illustrator text effects contains tutorials using 3D effects, retro text, floral text, grunge, retro and other easy to follow Illustrator tutorials which will help you to achieve great looking text in vector artworks.
Silky Ribbon Text Effect Illustrator tutorial
In this Illustrator tutorial you’ll learn how to create a swirling ribbon text effect using the Pen and Gradient tools .You can use this effect for making shapes and scrolls.
Create Wooden Text Effect with Illustrator
You’ll create Wooden Text Effect in Illustrator using the 3D Extrude and Bevel Tool combined with gradients and layer effects.
Floral 3D Text Effect Illustrator tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to create floral 3D text effect step by step using Illustrator.
Stitched Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
In this Illustrator tutorial you can learn a simple trick how to make stitched text effect with strokes and Appearance Palette.
Illustrator Tutorial Bubble text effect
You’ll create vector Bubble text effect with this Illustrator Tutorial using Ellipse, Rectangle, Rectangular Grid, Symbol Tools and Twirl tools with some basic effects.
Grunge Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Follow this Illustrator tutorial and learn how to make Grunge Text Effect using converted to vector with Live Trace raster texture image.
Professional Text Illustrator Tutorial
This Illustrator tutorial shows how to make this text effect using Gradient, Pen and Pathfinder Tools.
Blood Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Following this Illustrator tutorial will show you to make Blood Text Effect with Roughen and the Warp effects.
Old-school text effect Illustrator Tutorial
This Illustrator tutorial explains how to create Old-school or vintage look text effect.
Folded paper text effect Illustrator Tutorial
With this Illustrator tutorial you’ll create folded paper text effect using Gradient, Pathfinder tools, Wrap and some other effects.
Illustrator Tutorial – 3D lighted text effect
Follow the steps in this Illustrator Tutorial and make 3D lighted text effect.
Blueprint-Style Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Following the steps in this Illustrator tutorial you can create Blueprint-Style Text Effect using a blend of live effects, filters, and gradient mesh.
Green Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Many projects require a Green style applied to design recently. In the following Illustrator tutorial, you’ll learn how to create Green text effect that works great for logos and other design elements.
Image Inlay Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Learn with this Illustrator tutorial how to create Image Inlay Text Effect using Clipping Mask, Stroke and Outer Glow effect. You will need a raster image you would like to inlay into you text.
Soft Stylized 3D Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
This Illustrator tutorial shows how to make Soft Stylized 3D Text Effect using 3D Extrude & Bevel and other effects.
3D Typography Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create 3D Typography Text Effect using 3d effects, patterns, brushes and gradient map.
Swirly Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
In this tutorial you can learn how to easily create Swirly Text Effect in Illustrator. You can apply this effect to other logos and illustrations.
Masking Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
In this Illustrator tutorial you’ll learn how to create an image inside of text effect and how to use text as a mask.
Retro 3D Arcade Text Effect in Illustrator
Learn how to make 3D Arcade Text Effect with this Illustrator tutorial.
Illustrator tutorial Water Text Effect
In this Illustrator tutorial you’ll create Water Text Effect using mesh tool to create water droplets and symbol sprayer tool.
Twirl Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
This Illustrator Tutorial shows how to make Twirl Text Effect using Twirl tool.
Robust 3D Letter Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to make following robust 3D Letter Text Effect using 3D, Gaussian Blur and Stylize effects, Rectangle, Gradient Tools and brushes in Illustrator.
Decorative Glamour Text Effect Tutorial
In this tutorial shows how to create Decorative Text Effect using parts of the original type and giving some extra details.
Illustrator Tutorial: Bling Bling Text Effect
Learn with this tutorial how to create bling bling text effect in Illustrator. You will learn creating the texture technique that can be applied to any text.
Rocky 3D Text Effect Illustrator tutorial
Following this Illustrator tutorial you can create Rocky 3D text effect
Trendy Retro Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Create Trendy Retro Text Effect following this Illustrator Tutorial and learn the techniques that can be easily applied to many other graphic elements.
Stylish Colorful Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
This tutorial shows you how to make colorful text effect using a vector image. You will learn appearance palette and blending mode and offset the stroke technique.
Stylish Text Effect Tutorial using Illustrator
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create Stylish Text Effect with vintage look.
Western Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Following easy steps in this Illustrator tutorial you will create Western Text Effect using Illustrator’s Effects.
Better Titles in Illustrator
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to improve text look and edit outlined text in Illustrator
Grunge Text Effect in Illustrator
This Illustrator Tutorial shows how to quickly add grunge effect to text.
Illustrator: Broken Glass Text Effect
This Illustrator Tutorial will help you to learn simple way to create Broken Glass Text Effect.
Scribbled Scratchy Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Learn how to easily make Scribbled Scratchy Text Effect in this Illustrator tutorial using the Scribble command.
Beveled Lettering Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
In this Illustrator tutorial shows three different approaches to create extremely polished and professional looking Lettering Text Effect.
Water Bubbles Text Effect in Illustrator
In this tutorial you will make a wet looking text with water drops in Adobe Illustrator. After creating water drops you’ll use symbols to spread the bubbles out throughout the text.
Colorful Layered Paper Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
This Illustrator tutorial shows you how to brighten your mood by creating vivid illustrations with Colorful Layered Paper Text Effect. You’ll create custom type and use Illustrator effects to optimize our work.
Balloon Lettering Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
This tutorial shows the process of creating Balloon Lettering Text Effect in Illustrator. You will also learn how to create rounded, semi-transparent, bubble letters that will make up the basis of the balloon lettering.
Illustrator Tutorial On Text Treatment
This Illustrator tutorial shows how to make following text effect in Illustrator using Transform, Warp Effects and Gradient Tool.
Chrome Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
Learn how to put a custom metallic finish with depth Chrome Text Effect on your artwork in this Illustrator Tutorial.
Rainbow Text Effect Illustrator Tutorial
In this Illustrator tutorial you will use colors and a bit of typography techniques to create a cool and simple Rainbow Text Effect.
Illustrator Tutorial: Stone Text Effect on 3D Typography
In this Illustrator tutorial we will create 3D text with the stone effect using lighting techniques and texture to create more realistic 3D effect.

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