How to make glossy magazine style skin in photo with Photoshop?
This is perfect tutorial to make photo in glossy magazine style to hide any skin blemishes and wrinkles.
It is a ‘Before’ shot. A pretty girl, with some skin blemishes.
Step 1
After opening our image up in Photoshop, the first thing we will do is to use the Heal Brush to remove any obvious marks or blemishes. You can be as thorough as you like here, as the cleaner the skin is to start with, the better the results at the end. Use an appropriate brush size (quite small) in order to sample and brush away the blemishes without losing any important detail.
Step 2
Once you are finished with the Heal Brush, duplicate the layer and apply the Dust and Scratches filter.
Filter > Noise > Dust & Scratches
For this example, I used a radius of 5 pixels and a threshold of 0. You can adjust these to suit your image as needed. The result you are looking for is a creamy blend of features, without too much banding.
Step 3
The next filter we are going to use is the good old Gaussion Blur. This will remove any banding that might have occurred in the previous step, and give the whole image a creamier complexion.
Filter > Blur > Gaussion Blur
I used a radius of 2 for this example. Again, adjust as appropriate for each image.
Step 4
The final step in preparing our model’s new complexion is to add some texture. We all know that human skin is not generally a creamy plastic looking substance, so by adding some noise we will give the process a more realistic look.
Filter > Noise > Add Noise
I used an amout of 0.7% noise, distributed uniformly with Monochromatic selected. As always, adjust to suit your image.
Step 5

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