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Category Archives: Tutorials

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Jill Greenberg look Photoshop tutorial

Jill Greenberg is a famous photographer best known for her recognizable portraits look which is achieved with sophisticated lighting and intensive Photoshop post-processing. In many of Greenberg’s photos you see a simple single colored background with a vignette of light coming from the center. It

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30 Photoshop Halloween tutorials: horror, creepy and scary

Halloween Photoshop tutorials are here to spice up your Halloween. Using Photoshop and these 30 stunning horror tutorials you can make surprise for your friends or colleagues and pop up party photos. While skeletons are unpacked from closets and pumpkins are being carved, set the

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Fake HDR Photoshop tutorial

This HDR Photoshop tutorial will show you how to make fake HDR in Photoshop using just single image. Basically, in the process you increase dynamic range of your photo, then your increase local contrast. While HDR photos are getting momentum, it could be a good

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Dave Hill look Photoshop tutorial

Dave Hill is a brilliant photographer who is famous for distinctive look of his photos. Dave Hill photo style is becoming as popular as HDR. Though many argue that Dave Hill photo effect is done only through expensive lighting at the shooting scene, there’re already

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How to make website with MODx CMS in 10 minutes

In this MODx CMS tutorial, I will show you how to install MODx, find and install MODx template, add or modify your content. On the way you will explore the backend interface and a number of the standard MODx features. In the end you should

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How to design perfect Twitter background Ultimate Guide

My main advice: never use default blue Twitter background. If you’re not that into designing your Twitter background at least choose another Twitter template from 12 stock backgrounds available. Every non default Twitter background will stand out when the majority of Twitter profiles have the

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How to fix Missed Schedule error in WordPress

After upgrade to WordPress 2.7 I noticed that a Schedule Post option is not working anymore. I can still schedule a post for particular time, but when WordPress should publish the post it gave me just ‘Missed Schedule’ notification. WordPress 2.7.1 update has not fixed

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7 quick Valentine’s Day Photoshop tutorials

So you want to make your girlfriend/boyfriend happy on Valentine’s Day and present something personal and handmade by you? Then follow these quick Valentine’s Day Photoshop tutorials. In 10 minutes you’ll learn how to write secret message on photo with Photoshop, how to make realistic

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70+ Sexy, beauty and glamour Photoshop tutorials

These sexy, beauty and glamour Photoshop tutorials are carefully handpicked to help you learn Photoshop essential and advanced technique. You’ll find here portrait retouching and digital make up Photoshop tutorials, special photo effects, painting tutorials, a lot of Photoshop techniques to spice up usual photos