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Category Archives: Tips

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How to test your website for Digg effect

Digg effect aka Slashdot effect happens when a popular website links to a smaller site, causing a massive increase in traffic. This overloads the smaller site, causing it to slow down or even temporarily close. Typically, less robust sites are unable to cope with the

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Earth Day: buy iPad – save the planet

I suggest you buy iPad and make your friends do the same on Earth Day. It’s no kidding. It’s amazing but iPad could be even more groundbreaking Apple product than iPhone. IPad can replace all paper based education, information and entertainment items we’re currently using.

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25 useful Google Analytics tips and tricks

Google Analytics is very powerful free tool to track your site visitors and get enormous amount of useful data. To get the most out of Google Analytics use these how to, hacks and tricks. It will help you to improve Google Analytics tracking features and

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How to use Dropbox as basic free web hosting

Dropbox can be used as basic free web hosting in addition to all other features it has. Considering Dropbox syncing option this free web hosting feature could be used for easy collaboration on wedesign mockups projects. You can also show webdesign work to your clients

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Modern Business Card Design Tips

To start with modern business card design, I’d say that business cards are obsolete. The role of paper business cards decreased drastically with the appearance of social networks, and virtual business cards. So business card design should change as well. I don’t know about you

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How to speed up Firefox by cleaning its databases

Firefox start up speed and operating speed is usually much faster after clean install rather than month of usage. As it turns out the time at Firefox start up is used to load .sqlite bases from your profile which are used to store the history,

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How to use wireframes in web development?

What is wireframe? Why wireframes are essential in web development? How to use them to speed up web development? Those are questions we will talk about in this post. There are also basic tips on how to make a wireframe and which tool can be