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Category Archives: Software

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Illustrator free alternatives

Illustrator free alternatives are great apps for editing and creating vector images. Some of these Adobe Illustrator alternatives have advanced features suitable for professional work with vector files while other is very simple tools to quickly create vector logo, diagram, illustration. The main advantage of

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Topaz ReMask Photoshop plugin review

Topaz ReMask is an extraction tool on steroids which works easily and fast. Topaz ReMask can save you tons of time and efforts. With Topaz ReMask you can painlessly extract objects, change backgrounds, refine selections including complicated objects such as hair, fog, fur. You can

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Photoshop Free Alternatives

Most of the Photoshop features used by 90% of people can be found in free Photoshop alternatives. Believe me or not most users do not need to pay the huge price of Photoshop for basic editing needs like editing web images to be posted on

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Topaz Detail Photoshop Plugin Review

Topaz Detail is a new Photoshop plugin from Topaz Labs. As it name says Topaz Detail aims at increasing or decreasing level of details in the image. It also provides tone control based on color and crisp black and white conversions. It could be also

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Topaz Adjust Photoshop Plugin Review

Topaz Adjust is a Photoshop plugin that lets you make gorgeous looking HDR photos just from one image. Besides HDR look Topaz Adjust lets you create high contrast, ultra sharp looking images similar to Dave Hill look photo effect. In general, Topaz Adjust provides powerful

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Picasa 3 new features and shortcuts

Picasa 3 Windows/Linux easy to use and feature rich photo management software from Google got number of new and improved features besides faster performance, increased stability, improved RAW support and a faster scanning engine. Picasa 3 adds basic movie editing, fuller syncing to Web Albums, new

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Most popular design apps Top 20

What are the most popular design apps? It’s rather hard to estimate most popular design software relying on vendor selling information and there are no general stat as well. But there are some new online services which tracks apps usage by installing special software and

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Adobe Photoshop CS4 new features

Adobe Photoshop CS4 new features, what are they?  As a rule, part of Adobe products new features come from top 100 features requested by users and other part is completely new features to let Adobe marketing better sell its product (don’t forget that Adobe is

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Pictomio 3D photo manager

Pictomio is a free photo browser using 3D effects and animations to manage your photo collection. With Pictomio you can experience innovative way of browsing photos through 3D image carousel and create amazing animated slideshows with advanced transitions. Despite the many players on this market