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Top 10 Twitter WordPress plugins

Twitter WordPress plugins will help you get the most out of Twitter in your WordPress blog. These most useful Twitter WordPress plugins will help you to automatically publish your blog posts to Twitter and Twitter updates to your blog, show stylish Follow Me Twitter badge

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Why Disqus sucks

Disqus is one of the most wide spread comment system for WordPress as well as other blog platform used by many popular blog and yet is sucks. Why? The short answer is ignoring what user/customer wants is the best way to failure. I started to

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Top 10 WordPress Books

WordPress books in this review cover WordPress as a flexible blogging platform and CMS from the basics through advanced application development. These books will help you to use custom WordPress plugins and themes, retrieve data, maintain security, use social media, and modify your blog without

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WordPress Shopping Cart Plugins

WordPress shopping cart plugins included in this review will help you to easily sell products on your blog using different payment getways, get donations and send invoices to clients. It features both free and commercial shopping cart plugins to help you use WordPress as full

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Top 10 Free Stock Photos Sites

Are you looking for free stock photos? Need wallpaper for your desktop or illustration for your blog? Want to spice up your commercial website design project? Looking for inspiration? Fortunately, there are plenty of websites with free stock photos that won’t require you to pay

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Top 5 Cheap Reliable Hosting

Top 5 cheap reliable hosting providers are thoroughly researched to be included in this review. Either I tried them myself or my clients used all of these hosting providers with success. They all provide best value for money, comparable set of features, high performance and

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Top 10 Project Management Books

Project management books that are truly worth reading by every project manager are included in this review. These books is a great starting point for a new project manager, source of inspiration as well as tips and tricks for experienced PM, great help for project

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MODx Web Development book

MODx Web Development book from Packt Publishing provides great documentation for MODx CMS users (if you’re not familiar with this flexible and powerful CMS, check out How to make website with MODx CMS in 10 minutes. MODx Web Development book starts from how MODx fits

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Top 20 Wireframe Tools

Wireframes can be created in many ways with several tools depending upon one’s communication needs and budget. Most simply, pen and paper are key tools for creating web wireframes. In addition some designers and developers are using Illustrator, Fireworks or PowerPoint to create wireframes. There

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Top 20 Project Management tools

Most of these useful project management tools are complex solution with integrated time management, collaboration, version tracking, code repositories, bug and issue tracking, etc. Both free and commercial project management apps are included. I intentionally focused not on famous tools such as Microsoft Project or