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Top premium WordPress themes

Premium WordPress themes come with extensive support behind them and people don’t mind paying for that. While there are many professional looking free WordPress themes, premium themes stand out due to its high flexibility, built in functionality and ease of use. Using premium theme you

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Google News redesign fails

Google News redesign fails as spectacular as its attempt to borrow a background image feature from Bing. Google News support forums are filled with furious users crying for rollback to the old design or suggesting alternatives. Almost 90% of redesign feedback for testing beta version

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CSS books Best of

These CSS books are best source of tips, tricks both for beginners and advanced useCSS books Best ofrs. CSS books contain plenty of useful information on web standards, lean semantic CSS mark up and style, modern best practices and techniques, creative and cutting edge use

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Top 25 Font Families

What are the font families and why every serious web/graphic designer should own at least several font families for virtually any type of project, from corporate identity or product branding, to text and display use? Font families are collections of closely related typeface designs that

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Topaz DeNoise Photoshop Plugin Review

Topaz DeNoise is one of the best noise removal tools on the market. Topaz DeNoise specially shines with photos that have a lot of noise preserving details and color edges to be sharp. Topaz Labs claims that Topaz DeNoise can make ISO1600 look like ISO100.

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40 iPad tools, tips for designer

iPad tools, tips and tutorials in this review will help you to optimize your website for iPad. You’ll learn things to consider while developing iPad applications. It also provides links to iPad wireframe elements for easy prototyping both on paper and screen as well as

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Best web design books

Best web design books to master your web design skills are included in this review. You can learn about web design principles, process, basics as well as advanced tips and tricks right from the experts. These web design books will also help you to spice

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Best sites to buy royalty free stock photos

If you need to buy royalty free stock photos then you’ll find best sites to do it in this review. Most commercial stock photos sites sell royalty free stock photos starting form 1$ and up to several hundred dollars. It depends on photo quality, size

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11 Usability, UX, Interface books you should own

in this review Usability, UX, Interface books  cover everything from user research, tests and interface design to information architecture, UX strategy and accessibility. They are the most popular and recommended books on usability and user experience. These books not only include theory of user interface design but