Best sites to buy royalty free stock photos
If you need to buy royalty free stock photos then you’ll find best sites to do it in this review. Most commercial stock photos sites sell royalty free stock photos starting form 1$ and up to several hundred dollars. It depends on photo quality, size and photographer. Usually you can buy royal stock photo with credits per download or on subscription base. All the sites in this review provide million of royalty free stock photos of high quality as well as vector files and video. Some of royalty free stock photo sites also feature a number of free images or watermark free comps for registered users. Where do you buy stock photos?

royalty free stock photos
iStockphoto offers photos, vector illustrations, video footage, audio tracks and flash files. The site’s photo library contains over 4.5 million stock photos, vector illustrations, Flash files, video footage and audio from over 75,000 artists.
File Types: JPG, Vector, Video, Audio, Flash
Number of images: 5,197,000
How to buy: Visitors can sign up for their “pay-as-you-go” credit package from $18-$1,900 or save even more by purchasing a subscription for three months, six months or one year. Subscription prices vary depending on desired daily credit limit set but range from $979-$46,150. Corporate subscriptions are also available.
Fotolia is a low-priced stock photography house, offering over 5 million images for use across the web at prices as low as $1 per photo. Fotolia’s images are mostly from amateur photographers and the photos are slightly lower quality that Corbis’ or Getty’s images.
File Types: JPG, Vector, Video
Number of images: 8,718,845
How to buy: Users can purchase credits for a single download for $1 per credit. Minimum purchase is 10 credits. Subscriptions are also available, ranging from one month up to one year from $750-$21,600, depending on length and downloads per day.
Dreamstime features over six million images from over 70 thousand photographers. The site also features free stock photos, illustrations, vector and raw images as well as a blog for people to interact, make friends and share tips and techniques.
File Types: JPG, Vector
Number of images: 8,329,532
How to buy: Users can purchase credit packages; 5 credits-$7, 12 credits-$15, 25 credits-$25, 52 credits-$50, 108 credits-$100. Subscriptions are also available for 1 month, 3, months, 6 months or 12 months. Prices range from $98-$3,739.
123RF sells Royalty-free images and vector images. If you do not find the perfect photo amongst their four million images, they offer 24-hour live support. 123RF offers the flexibility to choose between two modes of purchase; monthly subscriptions or credit purchase.
File Types: JPG, Vector
Number of images: 4,000,000
How to buy: Credits are $1 each and available in various quantities. The Basic Subscription Plan allows up to 5 images downloaded per day or the Premium Subscription Plan allows for 26 downloads per day. Both subscriptions available for 30, 90 or 265 days. Prices range from $89-$1,799.
Big Stock Photo
At Big Stock Photo visitors can choose from over three million photos in categories such as fashion, summer, business, food, success, sports and more. Images are available in four different sizes for use in print and web.
File Types: JPG
Number of images: 4,736,000
How to buy: Images are purchased with credits. Prices range from 1 credit for small images to 6 credits for an extra large image. Prices per credit vary from $1-$2.50 depending on amount purchased.
Shutterstock is a stock photography and stock video website which maintains a library of royalty-free stock images and video clips available by subscription.
Number of images: 11,009,273
File Types: TIFF, JPG and Vector
How to buy: They offer a “25-a-day” subscription at $249 for 1 month, $709 for 3 months, $1,349 for 6 months or $2,559 for 1 year. You can also choose the “On Demand” subscription, for JPG & Vector files of all sizes, at $49 for 5 downloads or $229 for 25 downloads. If you prefer only the small and medium size options, you can get 1 year at $49 for 12 downloads or $229 for 60 downloads.


