Best photoshop books
Best Photoshop books will help you to master your Photoshop skills and become a Photoshop guru. With the help of these books you’ll get eye-popping and jaw-dropping results. These Photoshop books are written by worldwide renowned bestselling authors such as Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, Dan Margulis, Steve Caplin. Photoshop books in this review include advanced Photoshop tips and tricks, shortcuts and workarounds, techniques used by professionals, clearly explained theories for practical use. The books can be of great help to photographers, designers and digital artists. Most of these Photoshop books have multiple editions available which proves their value and the most recent ones are included in this post.
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers
In this book the bestselling Photoshop author Scott Kelby uncovers the latest and most useful Adobe Photoshop CS5 techniques for digital photographers. This Photoshop book contains practical how to’s used by cutting edge photographers in the step by step form with exact settings. The book includes shortcuts, workarounds and tricks about the sharpening techniques the pros really use, tricks for fixing the most common digital photo problems, how to process HDR (High Dynamic Range) images using CS5’s new Merge to HDR Pro, how to use CS5’s new Content-Aware Fill, how to color correct any photo, how to process RAW images like a pro, how to use the included gray card to make color corrections, plus the entire Photoshop CS5 workflow from start to finish.
100% Photoshop: Create stunning artwork without using any photographs
In this unique book digital artist and photomontage expert Steve Caplin will show you how to create complete images from start to finish entirely within Photoshop. No source material, photographs, or existing files are needed. The techniques in this Photoshop book will help you combine your artistic vision and skills with an understanding of how to manipulate the built-in Photoshop filters to produce impressive, eye-catching artwork. Each chapter opens with a complete double page illustration, created entirely in Photoshop. Then step-by-step instructions show you how each element in the illustration is created, and how they are all combined in the end to make a final image.
In this book best-selling author Dan Margulis provides extensive guide of LAB color processing capabilities. He starts from the basics explaining LAB curve steepening and LAB by the numbers and goes to recipes on correcting color balance, noise reduction and sharpening, LAB workflow, retouching technique for portraits, fixing blown skies and facial highlights, contrast and color. Each chapter includes a sidebar with review questions and exercises as well as a “Closer Look” section that examines some of the principles behind the techniques. A CD includes exercise files. Dan Margulis is known as “the experts’ expert on the logical and effective ways to make any image look its best”. In 2001, he was one of the first three individuals—and the only writer—to be named as a member of the Photoshop Hall of Fame.
The Photoshop Wow! Book from Linnea Dayton and Cristen Gillespie is inspiring graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers with stunning Photoshop artworks. This book contains mix of explanations and step-by-step tutorials for creating stunning Photoshop illustrations, with a DVD-ROM full of tutorial files and other goodies. The Photoshop CS3/CS4 Wow! Book includes explanations of creative secrets from professional photographers and designers. You’ll learn the most innovative techniques for creating and enhancing images, graphics, and type. The book includes recipes for special effects and tips for the Quick Selection tool, the Black & White and Vibrance adjustments, the Refine Edge command, the Clone Source panel, the Adjustments and Masks panels, and video, animation, 3D, and Analysis features.
Photoshop Masking & Compositing
Masking and compositing are essential skills to master Photoshop for combining images in such a way that it is impossible to tell that the image has been manipulated. It can be used to create both fantastic and realistic illustrations, fine art, and editorial content. One of the best Photoshop experts, Katrin Eismann in this book explains step-by-step examples, highlighting the tools and techniques used. This book features works by leading artists and photographers and focuses on the techniques used to create them such as selecting fine details and edges, working with difficult image elements such as cloth or hair. Katrin also addresses the creative aspects of image compositing, including how to start with a concept, plan and execute the photography, and seamlessly assemble the image.
Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks
Another amazing Photoshop book from Scott Kelby full of tips, tricks and jaw-dropping Photoshop special effects. You’ll learn about Photoshop special effects used on TV, in magazines, and on the Web. Using Scott’s simple step-by-step method, with hundreds of full-color images, you’ll see exactly how it’s all done. The book is written so clearly, and it is so easy to follow, you’ll immediately be able to create all of these effects yourself. You’ll learn the latest photographic and type special effects, how to fake studio shots, effects used by big movie studios, advertising effects, commercial effects that clients go crazy over, popular Web effects and 3D effects. The book is packed with creative ideas, layouts, and design techniques that will help you unleash your own creativity.
Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop’s Most Powerful Feature
Photoshop guru Matt Kloskowski wrote a comprehensive (750 pages) book that he wished to be around when he started to learn Photoshop. Layers are the key to understanding Photoshop and this books shows you exactly how. In this Photoshop book in an easy-to-follow and concise writing you’ll learn about working with and managing multiple layers, blending layers, adjustment layers, layer masks, type and shape layers, smart layers, blending layers together, what 25+ Blend Modes mean and how they work, easy layer masking, how to use layers to enhance and retouch your photos. It contains all of the tips and tricks that make using layers a breeze. Matt has two companion videos on the book’s web site and you can download all the images used in the tutorials there as well.
In this book master of photomontage and visual trickery Steve Caplin shows you how to stretch your creative boundaries. Art and Design in Photoshop book will help you to design your own classic and contemporary movie posters, books and magazine covers, turn your photographs into works by Turner, Matisse and Magritte, create illustrations in the styles of The Simpsons, steampunk and Victorian engravings. Steve’s step-by-step instructions explain tons of fabulous design effects. You’ll learn how to design everything from wine labels to sushi cartons, from certificates to iPod advertising, from textbooks to pulp fiction. The clear guidelines pinpoint exactly what you need to know: how to get slick-looking results with minimum fuss, with a 16-page Photoshop Reference chapter that provides an at-a-glance guide to Photoshop tools and techniques.
Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques
This is creative and inspirational Photoshop book by award-winning digital artist Derek Lea. The book is full of easy to understand tutorials and advanced techniques. The tutorial content and format is superb plus on author’s site you can ask an online community for help on problem areas and often Derek Lea replies himself. You can also post your own work created with the help of the book. If you’re a digital artist hungry for new techniques to apply to your work this is the book for you. This Photoshop book focuses on the creation of digital art, rather than the techniques required for certain standard tricks and effects. All of the tutorial images are genuinely inspiring, rich in textures, reflecting the author’s emphasis on the importance of incorporating scans of real world objects into digital illustration.
Real World Adobe Photoshop CS3
This is well illustrated Photoshop book designed to help you meet tough production challenges. In the book best-selling author David Blatner shows how to sharpen your Photoshop production techniques and provides clear explanations of the concepts. The emphasis in this book is on efficiency: the timesaving tips and professional shortcuts. You’ll learn about managing color, correcting colors, capturing images, getting great scans, and more. This is really a reference book (more than 700 pages) that is far more informative and in-depth than most other Photoshop books. Excellent book with in depth explanations for those wanting to set up Photoshop workflows.
How to Cheat in Photoshop CS5: The art of creating realistic photomontages
With How to Cheat in Photoshop book you’ll learn hundreds of tips and project ideas for getting the best out of Photoshop’s many features quickly and efficiently. This book shows how to make an image look like something else entirely. Photomontage master Steve Caplin working in London, England is a leader in the world of photo manipulation with works for Saatchi & Saatchi and photomontages published in The Guardian and Readers Digest. In this excellent book for designers, illustrators and graphic artists he shows what methods he uses to create stunning imagery. The accompanying DVD for Mac and PC contains over two and a half hours of video tutorials for additional training. On the book’s website, you’ll find “Ask the Author” forum, sample images from other How to Cheat fans, and weekly challenges so that you can test your own skills.
Digital Art Revolution: Creating Fine Art with Photoshop
This book from digital artist Scott Ligon featuring the work of 40 of the finest digital artists will inspire you to start dabbling in the fascinating field of digital art. The author views digital art as another tool to artistic expressiveness, like a paint brush or a canvas. It is a medium that is only limited by what you can imagine. This book gets you on the path to thinking, acting and being a digital artist, a place where a simple scanned picture can turn into an artistic masterpiece. With digital art, you can take an ordinary photograph of a celebrity and turn it into a wild fantasy world with digitally-added nude fairies and a blazing inferno background. Or you can take a picture of fruit and flowers and digitally alter it to create a seascape that serves as a microcosm for the Universe.
The Photoshop Darkroom: Creative Digital Post-Processing
The Photoshop Darkroom offers unlimited options for photographers looking for jaw-dropping results, using powerful and innovative creative post-processing techniques. The images in The Photoshop Darkroom will inspire you and help you unleash your creative potential. You’ll learn to view your own digital photography with new eyes. Step-by-step directions show you real-world examples of how to work with RAW image files, understand Photoshop workflow, extend the dynamic range of your photographs, manually create High Dynamic Range (HDR) images, create stunning black and white images, use layers and masking for compositing, create striking color effects using LAB color.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers
Martin Evening’s Adobe Photoshop for Photographers book is a classic reference sources, written to deal directly with the needs of photographers and filled with practical advices, hints and tips to help you achieve professional results. The book is wonderfully illustrated with over 750 color photos and screenshots grabs and incredibly detailed to help you master all aspects of Photoshop. In this books Martin covers digital workflow, improving creativity, output, automating Photoshop, and using Camera RAW. The style of the book is extremely clear, with real examples, diagrams, illustrations, and step-by-step explanations supporting the text throughout. Accompanying DVD includes the images used in the book, as well as QuickTime movie tutorials that show you how to get results fast.