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All posts by Ana-Gabriela Stroe


Tools to test your website in different browsers

Internet users from all over the world are now using a wide variety of operating systems, browsers (Firefox, Safari, IE etc.) and browser versions. With such a range of possibilities, it’s only natural that a website can and will look different to some of the

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50 brilliant macro photography shots

Macro – also known as Photomacrography – is a brilliant way to discover the world of the very small through close-up photography, using a photographic lens at reproduction rations of one times or greater. This ratio denotes that the object will appear on the photo

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60 beautiful examples of architectural photography

Architecture is everywhere around us, on a daily basis, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that architecture is such a popular subject in photography nowadays. Architectural photographers experiment with different angles, settings, effects or timing in order to achieve the most spectacular photographs of architectural

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5 efficient ways to fight inspiration blocks

Inspiration blocks also known as creative blocks are every designer’s nightmare. One of the worst parts about them is that they come with no warnings. The feeling is familiar for most people: blankness takes over, your mind just isn’t in the right place and you

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Top 20 Illustrator food and beverages tutorials

A collection of the best tutorials released across the web, demonstrating how to craft different types of delicious-looking goodies using Adobe Illustrator or/and Adobe Photoshop, step by step. These tutorials will teach you different vector illustration techniques and make your tummy rumble at the same

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7 tips to improve your designer’s workspace

As a designer, you naturally spend a lot of time in front of your desk. The first time you see your workspace each day you should have a good emotional response, because it represents you as a person .Not feeling that excited about your workspace?