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All posts by Alex Black

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What is New in iPhone 6

Ever since the release of 3G on wards, the trend is, there has always been a half-step S model prior to the next numbered iPhone. As such, it was no surprise that the S5 was first and now awaiting iPhone 6 in 2014. With Apple

iWriter Review

Some time back, I wanted to be a freelancer but I did not know exactly the site to start exercising my favorite talent of writing articles. I had to consult some of my friends and thanks to John who introduced me to iWriter. This is

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What Is New In Photoshop CC?

There are some improvements in the Photoshop CC for photographers. These improvements include some additional features that you will enjoy if you will upgrade to the new versions. It has some new additions and an update that can be interesting to a photographer. Here are

W3 Total cache

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems and blogging software used by webmasters and website developers thoughout the world. Many of the most popular blogs in different niches use this open source blogging software and a range of plugins have been developed

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A Showcase of Beautiful & Functional Footers

Footers are often neglected when it comes to web design – all too often they’re the last thing that’s thought of, the bit that no-one really looks at. But for designers with a keen attention to detail, designers that want absolutely everything to be perfect,