How to use Dropbox as basic free web hosting
Dropbox can be used as basic free web hosting in addition to all other features it has. Considering Dropbox syncing option this free web hosting feature could be used for easy collaboration on wedesign mockups projects. You can also show webdesign work to your clients or put a temporary web page online quickly such as resume without any effort. So what you have to do to use Dropbox as web hosting? (If you need more serious commercial hosting check out this review of best cheap and reliable hosting.)
1. Create a new folder in Public folder of your Dropbox account (such as ‘website’)
2. Put content of your website into this folder. You can use CSS, HTML and Javascript as well as images (only static content, PHP and other scripts are not supported).
3. Click index.html and in address bar of your browser you’ll get your website url
4. You can use url shortener to make the url more attractive.

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