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Why Disqus sucks

Disqus is one of the most wide spread comment system for WordPress as well as other blog platform used by many popular blog and yet is sucks. Why? The short answer is ignoring what user/customer wants is the best way to failure. I started to think about implementing Disqus for comments on this blog after reading positive reviews and seeing it implemented on Mashable and other blogs. Then I tried it myself. And I was very disappointed.

Let’s start form registering account at Disqus. Instead of providing you advantages Disqus makes your online comment experience worse. Now instead of linking your comments to your blog url or Twitter or Facebook it’s linked to your Disqus profile. And there’s no way to change that.

Moreover, there’re question about Disqus integrity. I tried to delete my Disqus profile 10 times and every times Disqus system confirmed that my profile will be deleted within 48 hours. But it never happened. Ridiculous.

So what’s going to happen with the comments in the Disqus discussion system if I sometime in the future want to switch to another comment system? Will they be locked at Disqus the same way as my account? Looks like too risky to try.

But the root problem which provide base for existence of such services as Disqus is the lack of free reliable and flexible OpenID solution for commenting on WordPress and other blog platforms. What is the most used feature of Disqus? Sign up to comment using popular social network profiles such as Twitter and Facebook. Is it too difficult to implement? I don’t think so.

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