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Top 10 WordPress Books

WordPress books in this review cover WordPress as a flexible blogging platform and CMS from the basics through advanced application development. These books will help you to use custom WordPress plugins and themes, retrieve data, maintain security, use social media, and modify your blog without changing any core code. Top WordPress books would be helpful whether you’re a casual blogger or programming pro. You’ll even get to know the ecosystem of products that surrounds WordPress. What’s your favorite book on WordPress? Please speak up it in the comments.

WordPress 3 Complete

This clear and rich with examples book is a perfect guide to WordPress for both beginners and those who are slightly more advanced. It will help you to create your own complete blog or web site from scratch with WordPress. It contains everything you need to set up your own feature-rich WordPress blog or web site, practical explanations of all aspects of WordPress, in-depth coverage of installation, themes, syndication, and podcasting. More advanced users will also pick up tips on creating your own themes and plug-ins, and such technical steps as backing up your WordPress web site and moving it from one server to another.

You will be introduced to the main aspects of a blog – users, communities, posts, comments, news feeds – and learn how to manage them using WordPress. You will learn to install WordPress and customize the look-and-feel of your web site. You will develop the skills and confidence to manage all types of content, be it text or images, on your blog, and also understand how users interact with the blog. By working through the book you’ll be inspired as well as informed, and have the capability and the ideas to make your blog cutting edge and exciting to maximize its impact.

David Busch’s Quick Snap Guide to Photoblogging with WordPress: An Instant Start-Up Manual for Creating and Promoting Your Own Photoblog

Photoblogs have become a very important tool for advanced photographers and professionals who want to market their work, as well as a popular forum for casual photographers to share personal photos. “David Busch’s Quick Snap Guide to Photoblogging with WordPress: An Instant Start-Up Manual for Creating and Promoting Your Own Photoblog” is a complete start to-finish guide on how to create a photoblog using WordPress.

This book covers all the basics of a free photoblog website, explaining its options, purposes, how to use tools, and using photos in two- and four-page spreads with step-by-step explanations showing results after using each feature. The result is a ‘must’ for any new to WordPress who want to take quick and easy advantage of its many advanced features. Perfect for professional photographers, avid amateur shutterbugs, and even non-photography bloggers who want to include photos on their blog sites.

WordPress Theme Design: A Complete Guide to Creating Professional WordPress Themes

This book for WordPress users or designers will take you through the ins and outs of creating sophisticated professional themes for the WordPress. It will walk you through step-by-step instructions to build a custom WordPress theme. From development tools and setting up your WordPress sandbox, through design tips and suggestions, to setting up your theme’s template structure, coding markup, testing and debugging, to taking it live. The last three chapters are dedicated to additional tips, tricks and various cookbook recipes for adding popular site enhancements to your WordPress theme designs using third-party plugins.

This is a rock solid book with great, practical advice on how to create a WordPress theme. The style is very relaxed and conversational yet to the point. The pictures and examples are great, all the code can be downloaded from the book’s web site. You’ll learn a lot not just about designing a theme for WordPress, but also some great tips on working with XHTML, CSS and how to troubleshoot both as well as JavaScript. You’ll also learn how to enhance your sites by choosing the right color schemes and graphics, set up dynamic drop-down menus, AJAX/dynamic and interactive forms, improve post and page content using jQuery and ThickBox, add interactivity to your themes using Flash.

WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition

This book does a great job of really giving you the ins and outs of WordPress. The author tries to cover the most important features of WordPress without trying to overwhelm the readers and does a very good job of it. If you are already proficient with CSS/XHTML and want to take your blog/sites to the next level, this book is for you. This book will help you to explore theme development and learn where to find free WordPress themes, extend WordPress through plug-ins, CSS, custom fields.

You’ll find out about archiving, interacting with readers through comments, tracking back, and handling spam. You’ll get the scoop on blog theme and presentation by using template tags, set up a MySQL database, explores RSS feeds, and organize a blogroll. It covers Migrating to WP, 10 Great Free Themes, Ten Great Plugins, Using WP as a Content Management System, Understanding Templates and Plug-ins. If you don’t know anything about PHP you’ll painlessly learn the bits that you do need to know for modifying templates.

WordPress 2.7 Cookbook

WordPress Cookbook contains100 simple but incredibly useful recipes to take control of your WordPress blog layout, themes, widgets, plug-ins, security, and SEO. WIth this book you can take your WordPress blog to the next level with solutions to common WordPress problems that make your blog better, smarter, faster, and more secure, enhance your SEO and make more money online by applying simple hacks.

You will learn from this book how to use filters to add more features to WordPress without editing any core files, easily transform a personal blog to a complete, multi-author online magazine, turn any free WordPress theme into a powerful and polished premium theme by changing colors and fonts, inserting your custom logo, transform a classic theme into a captivating Photoblog, learn how plug-ins and widgets work, and how you can create your own, integrate popular services into your blog including Twitter, FeedBurner, Digg,

How To Be A Rockstar Freelancer

In How To Be a Rockstar WordPress Designer book you will learn step by step how to take a straight HTML site and power it with WordPress. During the course of the book you’ll build 3 WordPress themes, a blog, a portfolio site and a general site with menus and submenus. Each theme demonstrates different aspects of WordPress theming and all three are packaged in with the book so you’ll have Photoshop, HTML, CSS and WordPress PHP files to refer to.

The book is aimed at anyone with a solid understanding of HTML/CSS. You don’t need to know PHP, you don’t need to have ever even touched WordPress before. The examples begin from scratch and build on each other, while basic PHP principles that are used are explained in an easy to understand manner.If you’ve ever wanted to get started with WordPress theming, or you’re looking to take your skills to the next level with advanced theming concepts, this is the book for you!

WordPress for Business Bloggers: Promote and grow your WordPress blog with advanced plug-ins, analytics, advertising, and SEO

This book will give you a competitive advantage by helping you to create an engaging, effective, and well polished business blog.This book will take you beyond the basics of WordPress, helping you take full advantage of its rich and powerful features to transform your basic blog into a more advanced and professional blog as quickly and painlessly as possible. You will learn everything you need to know to extend and grow your business blog.

You will learn to develop a `blogging business plan’, build a custom theme, engage with the blogosphere, optimize your site for search: incorporate good SEO practices into your blog posting and planning, manage adverts and implement revenue-generating features, incorporate multimedia on your blog, including video and image galleries. It provides clear instructions and detailed screenshots, so you can see exactly what to do at each step of the build.

WordPress Plugin Development (Beginner’s Guide)

This book will show you how to build powerful, interactive plug-ins for your blog including everything you need to create and distribute your own plug-ins following WordPress coding standards, walk through the development of six complete, feature-rich, real-world plug-ins that are being used by thousands of WP users including Digg This (social bookmarking plugin), Live Blogroll, The Wall, and Post Types.

Each chapter of the book describes in step by step details how to create the plugin and gives numerous code examples along the way. It also explains unfamiliar concepts in a way that makes them easy to quickly understand. There are also brief explanations of how JQuery and Ajax work. The book’s final chapter gives tips on documenting and promoting your plugin, as well as ways to improve your overall WordPress knowledge.The book is written by by Vladimir Prelovac, WordPress expert and developer of WordPress plug-ins such as Smart YouTube and Plugin Central.

Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read

Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read is the perfect jumping off point for people who want to start blogging (or site-building) with one of the world’s most popular platforms, especially if they have no idea where, or how, to start. To create a blog people want to read – takes thought, planning, and some effort. From picking a theme and using tags to choosing widgets and building a community, creating your blog really starts after you set it up.

In this book you learn how to install and get your WordPress blog running, set up your site to ensure it can easily grow with you and your readers, be the master of user accounts, manage your site with the WordPress Dashboard and extend its capabilities with plug-ins, make the most of images, work with pages, templates, and links, maintain your site and fix common problems.

WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites

WordPress 24-Hour Trainer is a unique lesson-based book that walks you through the essential parts of WordPress. Each lesson is streamlined to teach a specific aspect of WordPress, helping you to focus on just what you need in order to get the task accomplished. If you learn better visually, this book provides you with a video to accompany each lesson.

This book walks you through installing the software, provides an overview of the administration interface, and covers the basic settings you’ll need to get started, examines the ins and outs of uploading images, video, documents, etc., and using them on your site, demonstrates how to customize the look of your site using CSS, reviews helpful techniques for optimizing your site and making it search-engine friendly, explains how to track your site’s statistics, keep your plugins and themes up to date, and practice smart backup habits.

WordPress Bible

Whether you’re a casual blogger or programming pro, this comprehensive guide covers WordPress from the basics through advanced application development. Learn how to use custom plugins and themes, retrieve data, maintain security, use social media, and modify your blog without changing any core code. One of the authors of this book is Mark Jaquith, WordPress core developer.

With WordPress Bible you learn how to enhance your blog’s findability in the search engines and beyond, discover hooks and leverage the WordPress event-driven programming interface, create WordPress widgets in only a few minutes, ensure your plugins maintain future compatibility, create highly customizable and dynamic themes using template tags.

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