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Monthly Archives: April 2011

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5 must have lenses for photographers

If you stand in a field, focus on a tree half an acre away, and slowly walk forward, thinking of your focal point, adjusting your settings, stopping at intervals to take a series of photographs, effectively covering your depth of field, you’ll only need one

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50 beautiful night photography shots

Once the sun sets many photographers pack their cameras and go home, but they miss out on capturing wonderful images. A new fascinating world reigns now, and the depth of colors offered by it is fascinating. Night photography can be much fun and it can

16 excellent digital painting tutorials

Digital painting is an emerging art form in which the artist uses different painting techniques to create the digital painting directly on the computer. More and more digital artists are rising, even though there are people who still don’t appreciate this art at its full

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6 tips to improve yourself as a designer

As a designer, your learning process should never truly stop. In order to keep up with constant changes in this domain of graphic design, you should always be open to new things and have the desire to grow, to develop your skills. The biggest mistake


Top 20 iOS development blogs to follow

Whether you are just starting up with developing applications for Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS, or you’ve been doing this for a while now, it’s imperative that you keep yourself updated constantly with what’s going on when it comes to the Apple world. The best


5 useful tips for building visual identities

Society is becoming more and more visual, so design is increasingly important nowadays. One of the most important jobs of designers is to shape identities and create memorable experiences. New identities for various kinds of companies are built all the time, but just some of


Tools to test your website in different browsers

Internet users from all over the world are now using a wide variety of operating systems, browsers (Firefox, Safari, IE etc.) and browser versions. With such a range of possibilities, it’s only natural that a website can and will look different to some of the

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50 brilliant macro photography shots

Macro – also known as Photomacrography – is a brilliant way to discover the world of the very small through close-up photography, using a photographic lens at reproduction rations of one times or greater. This ratio denotes that the object will appear on the photo